About Us

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About Us

Nandusystems is a computer consulting company and retail store with highly experienced technical staff. We work with companies of all sizes, from small companies with just a few workstations to large companies with hundreds of workstations, multiple sites, multiple-server networks, mobile employees and home users.

We offer hardware upgrades, virus removal, and spyware removal? Bring your laptop, home PC or server to our retail and repair location for fast and friendly service for all of your needs or call us for doorstep pick up. (Within Hyderabad City)

Business Philosophy

  • Will make every effort to earn an ongoing relationship with each customer.
  • Will thoroughly understand the needs of each customer before making recommendations.
  • Will offer solutions based upon the specific needs and desires of each customer.
  • Will make every effort to provide IT solutions that have the lowest total cost based on the specific needs of each customer.
  • Will deliver to the customer unrivaled service and support before, during and after implementing the IT solution.
  • Has been a “Green Business” since 2013, which means it is committed to creating a healthier, cleaner workplace for its customers, employees, community – and you!

Our Founder


Devanand is the founder of Nandusystems. He has more than 8 years experience in IT as a System and Networking Administrator. He has done Microsoft Certification. He has worked in many companies and has worked in Media organization in Bangalore.
