Even if all the components are mounted correctly on the motherboard, showing a variety of errors on display; this means that there is a problem with the chip level in the motherboard.
If there is a chip level problem, the following problems will keep coming up.
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- No power supply
- No display
- Blue screen
- A complete blank or blank screen
- Sudden restart
- Beep Sound
- Over heating
- Bios problem
- Chipset problem
- Not booting up
- Freezing frequently
- Other problems
“Nandu Systems” repairs the motherboards of all the leading companies that are mentioned below.
- Dell
- HP
- Sony
- Compaq
- Lenova
- Toshiba
- Asus
- Apple
- Samsung
- iBall
Why do you have to only take our service?
Because, we
- Repair all kinds of brands of motherboards.
- Have ultimate knowledgeable chip level repairing team.
- Have dedicated team (only for motherboard).
- Have fast Service (Mostly same day delivery).
- Have the service at reasonable cost.
We are ready to serve you with dedication. Use our services of motherboard chip level of laptops, desktops, and tabs at reasonable cost today!